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Business Coaching



My Business Coaching programme is offered to individuals and teams. I coach Executives, Managers, Business Owners, and all levels of workers. I help you master your personal and work life. My Business Coaching programme applies a holistic approach to achieve this outcome.

Where would you like to be in your career or business in 5 years?

Every one of us would like to be engaged in work that we love, that we are destined to do. My Business Coaching can empower you to identify what you are destined to do. It will help you unleash those talents and skills that will take you to the next level. It will help you to identify and work on the obstacles that keep you from achieving your life goals in the work or business arena.


Are you in a transition phase and need support in processing options and support in executing a smooth transition in moving forward in your work life?

With the end of a work life phase comes a flurry of reflection and ideas. This creates a situation that requires value considerations, decisions, goal-setting, and planning. These are important in order for a smooth transition to the next work life phase. My Business Coaching Programme will help you take stock and process the changes.


Are you having trouble coping with the pressures, pace, expectations or even excitement about change or success and integrating these into your personal and work life?

Even positive change or success can create stress, albeit “good” stress, as your life the way you know it changes. Participating in my Business Coaching Programme will empower you to minimize stress and anxiety.


Is procrastination holding you back from performing at your peak?

Constantly putting off or delaying with attending to tasks can have adverse effects on your own productivity, and progress. When you experience my Business Coaching programme, motivation replaces procrastination.


Do you constantly set goals but struggle to achieve them? Or perhaps you never set goals? Are you simply going through the motions?

Effective goal-setting is critical as it provides a beacon to where you want to go. My Business Coaching Programme includes a powerful goal-setting AND goal-achievement system.


Do you want to improve your workplace or business relationships?

Changing your own communication behaviour can help you to build positive relationships, and even avert conflict situations.


Are you a new or potential entrepreneur and feeling intimidated or insecure about self-employment?

Limiting beliefs can create internal conflicts about taking the leap into self-employment. My Business Coaching programme will help you to get rid of the internal doubt, fear and anything else that is holding you back.

Feeling Stuck

Are you feeling tired, bored, dissatisfied, and generally stuck where you are at in your work life right now? Do you desire a change but feeling uncertain?

If whatever you are doing is not serving you or giving you the life you want, it’s time to change direction NOW. My Business Coaching programme will guide you to get clarity on what you desire.


How I can help you

Embrace the change

If you relate to any of the above scenarios, or if you just want more, you will benefit from my Business Coaching programme.

I will help you to elicit the values that are currently driving your performance and actions. I will empower you with tools to consciously pursue those values that you choose to inform your life.

My Business Coaching will guide you in developing your vision of what you desire. You will also develop empowering strategies to move you towards achieving your desires.

We will explore factors that may be causing you to feel overwhelmed and pressurized. My Business Coaching will help you to install empowering strategies that serve you better. Strategies that allow you to enjoy your advancement and success.

I will help you identify any negative emotions or negative / limiting beliefs that may be preventing you from moving forward. My Business Coaching will help you release them at the root.

My Business Coaching includes working on limiting beliefs and behaviours that may not be serving you. We will first identify them. We will then install new, motivating behaviours that allow you to perform optimally.

Goal-Setting is a key focus of my Business Coaching programme. I will help you to identify, set and achieve SMART goals which are:

  • Specific and Simple
  • Measurable and Meaningful to you
  • Achievable and in harmony with All Areas of your life
  • Realistic with you being Responsible for them
  • Time-bound and focused Toward what you want

If workplace relationships are your challenge, you have come to the right place. My Business Coaching programme will help you change your external world by changing your internal world. You will learn how to be the change you want. Remember, it all starts with you.

I will guide you in identifying negative or limiting beliefs and behaviours that are hindering you from having the best relationships with the people you work with. It will help you in your personal life too. You will delete those limitations and adopt more empowering beliefs and strategies. You will find that instead of resistance, you are attracting co-operation from others. During my Business Coaching I will also teach you strategies of the neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) model to help you adopt a more empowering and effective communication style.


“ If you don’t change direction now, you will end up where you are headed”  Unknown

Get Your Happiness Back

Free 30 Minute Coaching Session

A personal invite to contact me, for a free 30 minute consultation.  Let me help you claim your happiness back.

    Or Call Me On 072 570 2391